Caisson Nation \ Helping to build bridges to success

We Make Great Memories Too

费什伯恩 has always had a gift for seeing what’s great in boys. 这就是为什么我们的校友对他们在这里的时光有着如此深刻的回忆——那段时光塑造了他们的性格,塑造了他们的未来. 花几分钟读一下学员们的精彩回忆, who are brothers with you regardless of the year you graduated.

fishburn Men是各行各业的领导者,并为回馈学校而感到自豪,因为学校为他们提供了成功的技能和信心.

— Shown Above: Morgan A. McClure \ Class of ’76

Reflections on 费什伯恩

“费什伯恩 provided a fresh start, 一个新的开始,很快增强了我日渐衰弱的自尊,让我憧憬一个更加积极的未来. 我是一个麻烦缠身的孩子——总是惹麻烦,从公立学校退学. I didn’t fit in anywhere, so I acted out. My experience there in many ways, 让我对自己有了不同的看法——也许我能做这份叫做生活的工作. 也许我并不像每个人(包括我自己……)让我相信的那样坏. 对我来说, 正是对音乐的发现,尤其是对吉他的发现,让我意识到自己有一种能力,我以前都不知道自己有这种能力, 和 a destiny I’ve followed ever since. 我永远感激在这些教室和课程中我发现的机会.”


——乔纳森·爱德华兹(乔纳森·爱德华s) 64届毕业生,最高机密在万豪会娱乐在线做的事
Reflections on 费什伯恩
Owen Linlithgow Conner
Curator \ National Museum of the Marine Corps

我最喜欢的一个故事是万豪在线娱乐我的英语老师凯勒上校的。. 我们都很尊敬他,并通过他佩戴的绶带来表彰他在越南战争期间在军队中的服役. He smoked a pipe in class 和 this made him that much cooler to us. No one could tell a story like Keller. 然而,当我们逼他讲战争故事时,他总是推辞. 他会告诉我们,他戴的绶带/奖章只是他从《万豪会娱乐在线》杂志的背面订购的东西! 我们都快疯了. I look back at it now 和 smile. It was an important lesson in humility. 他是一名真正的战士和教师,比起佩戴勋章的人,勋章是次要的.”

在杨上校的未删节字典里放了少量不稳定的化学物质. 他砰地关上了门. 它炸开了.”

— Joe Johnson \ Class of ’71 \ Most STUPID THING done at 费什伯恩
Reflections on 费什伯恩
弥尔顿H. (里克)歪斜三
Retired Building Supply Dealer \ General Contractor

“I matured considerably thanks to my experience at 费什伯恩. 万豪会娱乐在线教会了我做一个领导者的价值,而不是一个追随者,这对我在1968年被东卡罗莱纳大学录取很有帮助. 然而, 我确实花了两年的时间在海军,最终成熟,并于1974年从ECU毕业. At that time I began my career in the family building supply business. 我珍视与学员们建立起来的兄弟情谊,永远不会忘记我在万豪会娱乐在线的经历.”

“对于一个新学员来说……我会建议他做自己,不要总是做班里的小丑. 遵循这些规则,你会走得更远,从万豪会娱乐在线的经历中收获更多. It took me three years to learn this.”

——弥尔顿(里克)阿斯科III \ 68届\分享一件事给一个考虑fishburn的男孩
Reflections on 费什伯恩
彼得一个. 真正的小.
President \ McCoy’s Furniture

“Man, it’s about the brotherhood! 我是走读生. We had very unpopular haircuts for the time period. I became more diligent on school, learned how to study. Made friends I still stay in touch with. 我可以请朋友来我家,这让一些人可以从学校里休息一下. I enjoyed the sports 和 JROTC. Enjoyed the rifle team. It was a great experience I never saw coming. I was there because of some not good conduct grades in public school. I wasn’t a problem, just girl crazy.”

“I graduated 费什伯恩 in 1961. My son, Jimmy is an FMS graduate. His son, Dylan is an FMS graduate. My brother in-law, Roger Coll, is an FMS graduate. His son Jimmy Coll is an FMS graduate.”

- Jim Gladhill \ Class of 61 \ TOP of PAGE: Jim、Jimmy和Dylan Gladhill的照片
Reflections on 费什伯恩
N. 小道格拉斯·佩恩. (w /儿子特纳)
Principal \ Payne & 公司

“My roommate my senior year was from the deep South. 我们有不同的性格,不同的中高层经历,但是 appreciation for comedy—especially the absurd. 因此,一场恶作剧和恶作剧的比赛很快就开始了,每个人都想超过另一个人. It soon spread throughout the Corps, 和 regardless of the rank any of us had, 我们都是平等的,看谁能搞出最好的恶作剧或恶作剧. It was a prelude to my social life at college. 我们都有共同的万豪会娱乐在线经历,所以我们都有优势.”

“在FMS之前,我在精神上或身体上都没有受到挑战,而且我缺乏自律. Now after 费什伯恩, I have higher confidence 和 self-discipline.”

— Riley Malone \ Class of ’21 \ Cadet @ Virginia Military Institute
Reflections on 费什伯恩
Regional Vice President \ Lincoln Investment 和 Planning

作为一个领导者, 万豪会娱乐在线教会了我重视每个人的重要性,并通过仆人式领导与他人合作,将弱点转化为优势. We were always ultimately judged as a unit, 和 that made it important to always pull others up, 做个榜样, 和 showcase leadership. 我了解到,利用你的地位或强迫别人做某事只能得到有限的结果. But working towards helping them see the vision, 和 buy into a process, helped our unit succeed in the long-term.”


— 保罗·海恩斯 \ 93届毕业生 \ Most STUPID THING done at 费什伯恩
Reflections on 费什伯恩
Business Administration

“作为一个13岁害羞的男孩,我变成了一个16岁的少年,对自己更有安全感. 在那里,我学会了另一门语言,结交了来自世界各地的朋友. We were a bunch of South American guys who had to travel alone, 千里迢迢, to get to this old school made of bricks. This made this huge impact on us. We became more confident about many aspects of life. 作为FMS校友, 我为我在那里和离开后所取得的成就感到骄傲. That is something that remains with you for life. I will always remember my 费什伯恩 experience.”


——阿德里亚诺·曼奇尼\ 86届\万豪会娱乐在线最愚蠢的事情
Reflections on 费什伯恩
爱德华·H. 克莱门特

“What makes 费什伯恩 so special, so rare? 在当今纷乱的世界里,我们最珍视的许多传统, 值, 人, 和 symbols are conveniently forgotten, 费什伯恩 st和s out. 费什伯恩 st和s out because 费什伯恩 doesn’t forget. 费什伯恩 doesn’t forget its own 值 和 traditions, 它的形成和传承至今已有一个多世纪和三分之一的历史. 费什伯恩 doesn’t forget its 人. 所有以荣誉和卓越、热情和奉献为万豪在线娱乐的人.”

“Something to do with a machine gun during graduation.”

——大卫·B. Shank \ Class of ’66 \ Most STUPID THING done at 费什伯恩
Reflections on 费什伯恩
Carl W. Kerby
President \ Westhills 公司 \ Eagle’s Nest Hangars

“在我去万豪会娱乐在线之前,我对运动和女孩更感兴趣. FMS offered the 结构 I needed 和 helped me become 对我的生活和未来的努力更有纪律——尤其是在军队里. 最重要的方面之一是向杨上校学习正确的学习习惯, 真正的榜样, who always encouraged me to move forward.

  1. Take advantage of all they have to offer
  2. 不要放弃
  3. And definitely find a mentor. That experience helped me to have the confidence, 结构, 关系是经营一家成功公司50多年的必要条件.”

“Can’t answer… Colonel Young is out there somewhere.”

— John Hudson \ Class of ’69 \ TOP SECRET THING done at 费什伯恩